Real name: 受毛豊*
Golongan Darah: B
Tanggal lahir: 28 Oct 1981
Hobi: Sepak Bola, Memasak, Mengoleksi Mancis
Jumlah Anting: 2 (kiri)
Ukuran sepatu: 25 ~ 27
Ukuran cincin: 19 ~ 21
Tinggi: 172 cm
Rokok: tidak ada
Parfum: Jaguar, Sculpture, Bvlgari for men
Makanan yang di benci: Kentang,Terong
Minuman Favorit: “Not ringo juice (laugh) - apple juice” (ringo=apple
Merek Favorit: custom culture, Justin Davis custom
culture,TENDERLOIN, Starring gear*
My boom: onyx
Place of birth: “New Jersey would be nice!”
Koleksi: Accessories, clothes from custom culture
Tipe cewek Kesukaan: Seseorang berjiwa keibuan yang akan berkata
"Tadaima ^_^" setiap aku pulang kerumah
(tadaima = selamat datang di rumah /welcome home)
Tipe cewek yang Dibenci: cewek munafik,sok Jaim
Harapan ke cewek2: tolong tunjukkan sifat asli mu
kelebihan: "Bisa di Jahili?" Tidak!
Charming point: Dapat menarik di berbagai hal
Warna Favorit: hitam, merah, putih,hijau, Silver, emas, Grey
Favourite animal: Anjing, Harimau, Alligator
Pesan: “Our hearts are always as one!”
bands sebelumnya: Mareydi†Creia
[[Random Facts]]
+loves cooking and to play football
+collects zippos (lighters that work with gas)
+on his report card as a child, it was often written that he was “a good and energetic child”
+likes cabbage, mayonnaise and bananas, hates eggplant and taro-root
+got his driving licence on January 6th
+likes to drink apple juice (prefers it to alcohol)
+wanted to be a football player as a kid
+used to work in a restaurant and as a cleaner
+was put into a hospital once because of a high fever
+PJs: naked
+favorite season: winter (because he likes Christmas)
+shoesize: 26cm/10.23 inches
+eyesight: bad